Oh, yeah- I have a blog
I'm new at blogging, and I've already turned into one of those people that doesn't update their blog for long stretches of time...
It's been an extremely busy and event filled week, filled with conferences, projects, midterms, a sad event (our cat was killed) and a really good event (which I won't talk about on-line).
I'm very grateful that this is the last week before Spring Break. I'm writing a grant proposal this semester that will take up a good portion of my break time, but I have some other plans that will more than compensate for the stressful demands of school.
In other news, one of my cousins has decided to create a blog of his own. Brandon is in his senior year of high school and is busily applying for colleges (I'm hoping he comes to UF). Check out his blog of "angsty teenagerness", entitled Randomdysphoricmess.
Stay tuned for my next entry on another favorite cousin of mine, Denise. We will examine her life long obsession with the Pillsbury Doughboy in depth.
Tuckzor or fatlub Noah? (bear in mind that I'm using this last chance to insult the bully that most likely bullied Francesca(RIP); since I won't be able to bully anymore when I know which one died...) ... tear...(it felt called for)
I feel moderately bad about the double post, but I'm sorry about Noah(I IM'd with Denise). I'll call you tomorrow sobrina to ask about your really good news... it's piqued my interest.
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