Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Food only a Brit could love

I will kick off my first blogger post in over two years with a tribute to the cuisine of great Britain.

My fiance and I went shopping at World Market a few weeks ago. I stumbled across a jar of Marmite in the international foods aisle. This got me misty eyed and sentimental about my days in dear old Britannia. Marmite is a foul smelling, nasty tasting yeast extract that is a byproduct of brewing. Some industrious British brewer concluded that he could make money off it by selling it to his countrymen. Every morning the college would provide us with single serving Marmite packages, presumedly to spread thinly over our toast. The phrase "spread thinly," appears all over Marmite packages. They don't want to be sued.

I ate Marmite twice while I was in England. I ate it the first time on a dare. The second time convinced my classmates that they were in the presence of someone tough enough to make Samuel L. Jackson and Chuck Norris scream in terror like a couple of sissy school girls. I bought a jar to gross my fiance out. It makes me feel tough to know that I can eat Marmite and survive. I'll probably have a bit on toast to remind myself that I can get through whatever troubles life is throwing on me. I explained to my fiance that Marmite is like the bitter herbs on the Passover Seder, which remind you to be thankful about the rest of life even in the midst of suffering.

The marketing wizards at Marmite are proof that genius thrives best under opposition. Their advertising slogan is "Marmite: You either love it or hate it." They've come up with some great T.V. spots. Marmite pulled the ad shown above off the airwaves because a bunch of parents complained that it gave their kids nightmares.


At 6:00 PM, Blogger Joan of Argghh! said...

Oh great! The only nightmare my brothers and sisters can still tease me about, "The Blog".

Thanks. Let's see if I can sleep tonight.

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Gerald said...

I get the food for my lab's Wednesday morning meetings. Yesterday I thought I'd surprise them with scones, jam and clotted cream.

While at the British food section of the local supermarket, I noticed a tin of spotted dick on the shelf and had to pick it up. Is it good? Sorta---at least the kind without the suet.

I'm still on the lookout for offal-stuffed faggots and black pudding...


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